<![CDATA[TansiVillage.com - Tansi Board Minutes BLOG]]>Sat, 11 May 2024 13:09:56 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Draft - Tansi Village Annual POA Board of Director’s Meeting May 1, 2021]]>Sat, 01 May 2021 07:00:00 GMThttp://tansivillage.com/tansi-board-minutes-blog/draft-tansi-village-annual-poa-board-of-directors-meeting-may-1-2021​The meeting was called to order by chairman Tony Taffar at approximately 9:11am.  He asked that everyone make sure to get a ballot before we get started.  Tony also asked that if anyone has a fever or feels bad please excuse themselves from the meeting.  Tony thanked everyone for taking part in our social distanced meeting and asked that everyone maintained their social distancing during the meeting. 
Present at the meeting were the following Tansi Village POA board members; Tony Taffar, Rodney Matthews, Randy Eblen, Keith Harris and Denna Sessions, Russ Mixon, Rick Penniston and Charlene Wentworth.   Also in attendance was Greta Maddox with Seaside Residential Management.
Tony asked Russ to bless the meeting with a prayer.    All joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.   
Tony Taffar welcomed everyone to the 2021 meeting and verified a quorum of greater than 25 association members.   Because we are outside with a smaller crowd, we are going to streamline this meeting as best we can.  As we go through the presentation of the reports if there are items for discussion on the report topics, we can discuss them then.  All other items can be discussed in the open discussion section at the end of the meeting.  Tony asked that when the POA Members speak from the floor, that they state their name(s) for the purpose of the minutes.  Tony reminded everyone that if the there are any issues, the first point of contact should be the property management company, their info is on the website and the Facebook page.  We also have a board meeting every other month and members in good standing are always welcome to join us at those meetings. 
Tony thanked all the volunteers that we have had working on various projects through the past year.
Denna spoke to the group about the Villagers that had passed since the last annual meeting.  There was a moment of silence in their honor.
Tony asked that each of the new homeowners / members please stand up and introduce themselves.
Approval of the minutes from June 13th, 2020:
Tony Taffar asked if everyone had seen the minutes from the last annual meeting and asked if we wanted to dispense with the reading of the minutes to save time, if so, would someone make a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes.   A motion was made by Deborah Dixon to dispense with the reading of the minutes, and Pinky Harriott 2nd on the motion was made from the floor, a vote was taken and the motion to accept was approved.  Tony then asked that we vote to accept the minutes as distributed.  A motion to accept the minutes as distributed was made by Jerry Shepp, a 2nd on the motion was made from the floor, a vote was taken and the motion to accept was approved. 
Tony Introduced Greta Maddox to start the reports.
Management Report:
Greta Maddox, with our management company, Seaside Residential Management stated that we have a few updates from this past year. 
  • We had the dumpster door repaired. 
  • PLM installed a new pump in the pond.
  • New signs are on the dock and the fire extinguisher was installed
  • Clubhouse repairs have been completed
  • Hargrave Communications has installed fiber optic services to the island
  • Pool work has been completed
  • Larger “No Renter” signs have been put up
  • New signs have been placed at the dumpster
  • We received a credit from Waste Management and they are matching bid pricing from other companies
  • Two new American Flags
  • Special Assessment billing has gone out
President’s Report:
Rodney mentioned that Greta covered most everything on his list.  He thanked John for helping with the drainage problems.  As Greta mentioned, there have been a lot of upgrades to the clubhouse, and it would be good for everyone to check it out.
Treasurer’s Report:
Keith Harris stated that our reserve account took a little bit of a beating the past couple of years with the unexpected expenses from the causeway, dock, pool and clubhouse repairs.  But they did come after 2 hurricanes and a super storm warranting the Special Assessments.  The reserve account was set up to help with unforeseen expenses such as the causeway repair and pool rehabilitation.  Without that reserve account we would have not been able to borrow the money to fix the dock prior to the lawsuit being settled.  Account balances are right at a total of $96,000, with $63,520.13 in the operating account and $33,137.00 in the Reserve Account.
Committee Reports
Russ Mixon stated the pool repairs are completed and that the pool will be open in May.

Rodney Matthews reported that the one piling that was sinking has been fixed.  There is one board on the floater that is sticking up and needs to be repaired as well.   
Tony Taffar reported that we have had lots of potholes filled.  We have grating for some of the drains that needed it.  the biggest issue we had was the causeway repair and that has been taken care of.  Russ Mixon stated that he and John found where some of the drains had been plugged and they fixed it. 
Denna Sessions stated over the past year we have had seven requests.  She reminded everyone that if you do want to make changes or improvements to your property, we have a simple form for you to fill out and submit on the website, even if it’s just a driveway.  With any driveway addition you must make sure you take care of the drainage under the driveway as well.  Make sure you are observing the setbacks 5ft from your neighbors and 15ft from the road.  You can work out setbacks with your neighbors, but it must be in writing.  Once the form is done, submit to Seaside or give to Denna.  
Tony Taffar thanked everyone for keeping their yards up.  If you see something very unsightly that needs attention, please contact Seaside with the address and they will check it out and take the necessary actions if warranted.  Please be mindful of your dumpster use and don’t leave anything lying beside the dumpsters.  The dumpsters are not for used furniture either.  According to the postmaster we will eventually have to get more mailboxes. 
Charlene Wentworth reported that unfortunately we have not been able to hold any community events at the clubhouse due to the Covid.  We have been able to let private events happen as those who rented the clubhouse for their event were also responsible for paying for a deep cleaning. 
Old Business:
Drainage Issues
We discussed earlier in the meeting. Tony thanked John and Russ for their work on it again. 
Fall Work Day
We will need a Fall workday to do some work on the dock. 
By Law Change Committee
John Tuckwiller stated that the committee has not met since Covid 
New Business:
Partial Sale to Mr Harper
Mr Minor proposed that a motion be made for the Tansi Village POA to sell the small parcel next to Mr Harper’s lot at 79 Tomahawk.    Jerry Shepp made the motion to approve the sale of the parcel owned by the Tansi Village POA [seller] to John Harper at a fair market value, to be determined by the Board of Directors, with all costs associated with the sale of the property including but not limited to the survey be Mr. Harper’s [buyer’s] responsibility.   John Minor 2nd the motion.  There was some discussion, no changes to motion.  Unanimous vote was taken in favor.
Proposal of buying the empty lots
John Tuckwiller made a motion that that the P.O.A. look into purchasing the empty marsh side lots and turning them into little parks.   There was a 2nd from the floor.  During the discussion the cost to upkeep these parks was brought up as well as the loss of income from these lots.  A vote was taken and it did not pass.   At this point John Tuckwiller offered to head up a committee to look into the proposal of buying these lots for Tansi green space use. 
Tony continued, now we are finished with our New and Old Business and we are now in the Open Discussion from the membership.  If you would, please state your name so we can have it on the record.  The floor is now open to everyone.   
Open Discussion from Members;
  • Deb Mixon asked that we get new gravel in the driveway next to the pool
  • Mr Minor asked that our community present a petition to fix Eddings Point boat landing to the county
Election of the P.O.A. Board members; 
Tony stated that we have 4 seats rotating off the board, Charlene Wentworth, Randy Eblen, Deena Sessions and Keith Harris.   
From Christie Smith, besides Charlene will any of the board members coming off consider running again?  Tony asked everyone they agreed to run again.   
Nominations are Randy Eblen, Deena Sessions and Keith Harris, Pinky Harriott and John Tuckwiller.  There was a motion from the floor to close the nominations; the motion was 2nd and a unanimous vote was taken. 
The vote elected the following people onto the Tansi Village POA, BOD; Randy Eblen, Deena Sessions, Keith Harris and Pink Harriott.
The motion to adjourn the regular meeting was made at 10:16am by Russ Mixon and Rick Pinneston 2nd the motion to adjourn and a unanimous vote was taken.  
Respectfully submitted,
Randy Eblen
Recording Secretary
<![CDATA[Tansi Village POA Board of Director’s Meeting November 07, 2020]]>Sat, 07 Nov 2020 08:00:00 GMThttp://tansivillage.com/tansi-board-minutes-blog/tansi-village-poa-board-of-directors-meeting-november-07-2020​1. Call To Order: The meeting was called to order at approximately 9:02am, by Tony Taffar.  Present at the meeting were the following Tansi Village POA board members; Tony Taffar, Rodney Matthews, Denna Sessions, Keith Harris, Rick Penniston, Russ Mixon and Randy Eblen.   Also, in attendance was Rachel Doerr with Seaside Residential Management.  

a. Minutes:  Tony Taffar asked if there were any questions on the draft copy of the minutes that were distributed from the September 12th and October 16th 2020 meetings.  The minutes were read by the BOD.   Motion to approve was made by Russ, Keith 2nd the motion, there was no discussion and a unanimous vote carried.   

2. Management Report:  Rachel Doerr   
a. Hargray has the fiber optic project in progress and the easement was signed by Rodney and notarized.  Ben from Hargray will come get the agreement
b. Renewal for the flood insurance has been paid.
c. The mailbox clusters can be refurbished rather than replaced
d. 2 Redfeather is still renting; reached out to Airbnb to pull down listing; lien has been filed 
e. 75 Tomahawk Trail, letter sent on 9/11 $100 fine for underpinning, work is completed
f. 180 Tomahawk Trail, another letter on underpinning issue sent on 9/14; fines to date $300
g. 126 Tomahawk, letter sent on 09/11 with a $200 fine and fining $100 per month until shed is moved
h. 26 Arrowhead Trail, lot maintenance needs to be done; letter sent on 09/11; they paid  
i. 41 Tomahawk Trail, lot maintenance letter sent on 9/11; appears to be taken care of
j. Waste Management contract expires in Dec 2020 and we will get bids from other vendors 
k. Move the WM pickups back the winter schedule 

3. President’s Report: Rodney Matthews 
a. Nothing New to report 


4. Treasurer’s Report:   Keith Harris 
a. Keith covered the account balances
i. Operating Account $47,407
ii. Reserve Account $14,674
iii. Total $62,081
iv. Clubhouse and Culvert have both been paid for. 
b. We have two companies quoting our General Liability and umbrella policies 
c. Budget time is coming up, there are a lot of projects that we need to look at
d. Final payment on the dock settlement is coming up, then we will pay the dock off a year early, prior to Sept of 2021
e. Receivables, other than fines that are mounting are good.  

5. Committee Reports 

a. Pool: Russ Mixon  
i. The pool is being closed down today. 
ii. Need to leave it unlocked so that the restrooms can be accessed by people using the dock. 

b. Dock: Rodney Matthews   
i. Per Keith we still have a piling issue.  Keith has contacted the guy twice. 

c. Roads: Tony Taffar
i. The grating should be done this winter 

d. Codes: Denna Sessions   
i. 180 Tomahawk is building a golf cart cover, Denna took him the ARC form to Mark.  We have asked him a couple times for a drawing.  Also being fined for the underpinning issue. Rodney will talk to him one more time.  

e. Grounds: Russ Mixon
i. Nothing new to report 

f. Clubhouse and Events: Denna Sessions
i. No events are scheduled
ii. Donations for tables and chairs have been made and are still coming in

6. Old Business 
a. Clubhouse plumbing issues  
i. AJ got the plumbing issue fixed, saved us a great deal of money on the repair. 

7. New Business
a. Pool Expenses; need to update the pool; we should get at least two quotes for after the 2021 season.  Russ will get two quotes with a scope of work. 
b. Seaside Residential Management & Real Estate 2021 contract will go up by $100 per month
c. Need a new flag on our pole
d. Drainage project study
i. Randy made a motion to spend up to $8,000 on the drainage project study, Keith 2nds the motion, a unanimous vote was taken, all approved. 
e. Once we get the quotes on the pool project and the drainage project, we will need to prioritize them

8. Open Discussion from the Members
a. none

Adjourn and move into Executive Session: 
At 9:58am Randy made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Rodney 2nd the motion, a unanimous vote was taken to move into Executive Session.   

Adjourn out of Executive Session: 
At 10:12am, Denna made the motion to adjourn the executive session. Rodney 2nd the motion a unanimous vote was taken to adjourn Executive Session.   

No Tansi business was conducted during the Executive Session.  

Adjourn Regular Session: 
At 10:16am Randy made the motion to adjourn the regular meeting, Denna 2nd the motion a unanimous vote was taken to adjourn.  

Respectfully submitted, 
Randy Eblen
Recording Secretary 
<![CDATA[Tansi Village POA Board of Director’s Meeting October 16, 2020 via Zoom]]>Fri, 16 Oct 2020 07:00:00 GMThttp://tansivillage.com/tansi-board-minutes-blog/tansi-village-poa-board-of-directors-meeting-october-16-2020-via-zoom1. Call To Order: The meeting was called to order at approximately 9:37am, by Tony Taffar.  Present via Zoom video call at the meeting were the following Tansi Village POA board members; Tony Taffar, Denna Sessions, Keith Harris, Russ Mixon and Randy Eblen.   Charlene Wentworth was in listen only mode for a portion of the call via telephone.  Also, in attendance was Greta Maddox with Seaside Residential Management.  

2. Special Meeting on Rental Issue:  Greta Maddox   
a. We are still having the same issue of the owners of 2 Red Feather, advertising their property for rent on AirBnB. It is time we take action, the next steps. 
i. We have stated the rules. 
ii. We have given notice of the violations of the rules.
iii. They have not responded to any of our letters or notices.  
iv. We have sent letters to the entire organizations reminding them of the rules.
v. They currently owe over $5k in fines at $500 per rental day night. 
vi. We have documented many rental nights and have notified some of the renters of the violations as well.  
b. We have done everything we can up to this point, it is time to take it to an attorney.  
c. Next steps are;
i. Put a lien in place for back up 
ii. Greta will contact various attorneys to check and see who we should use based on their experience
iii. Randy will research the minutes that we have for information needed
d. Keith made a motion that we move forward and investigate which attorney should handle the case of our rental violations at 2 Red Feather Trail and go ahead and file a lien for the fines that are due at this time. Russ 2nd the motion, no discussion, a unanimous vote was taken.  

3. Hargray Communications: 
a. Tony brought up that Hargray Communications had contacted us for easement access because they have some CARES grant funds to use before the end of the year. Tony and Greta will follow up with their contacts at Hargray.   Keith made the motion to allow Hargray easement access, Russ 2nd, no discussion, a unanimous vote was taken. 

 Adjourn Regular Session: 
At 10:01am Randy made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Denna 2nd the motion a unanimous vote was taken to adjourn.  

Respectfully submitted, 
Randy Eblen
Recording Secretary 
<![CDATA[Tansi Village POA Board of Director’s Meeting September 12, 2020]]>Sat, 12 Sep 2020 07:00:00 GMThttp://tansivillage.com/tansi-board-minutes-blog/tansi-village-poa-board-of-directors-meeting-september-12-2020​1. Call To Order: The meeting was called to order at approximately 9:08am, by Tony Taffar.  Present at the meeting were the following Tansi Village POA board members; Tony Taffar, Rodney Matthews, Denna Sessions, Keith Harris, Russ Mixon and Randy Eblen.   Also, in attendance was Greta Maddox with Seaside Residential Management.  

a. Minutes:  Tony Taffar asked if there were any questions on the draft copy of the minutes that were distributed from the July 18th meeting.  The minutes were read by the BOD.   The minutes from the July 18th meeting were approved with one change in the treasurer’s report, item 4.  Motion to approve was made by Rodney, Russ 2nd the motion, there was no discussion and a unanimous vote carried.   

2. Management Report:  Greta Maddox   
a. The insurance is not giving us anything for the ceiling collapse in the clubhouse. Because there was no exterior storm damage it is not covered.  The clubhouse project has been completed and paid for. 
b. The shed issue at 126 Tomahawk is still open and he has agreed to move it the additional 1 foot, Greta will follow up.   
c. The short-term renters at 2 Red Feather have been fined 3 times for a total of $3500.
i. There is a listing on Airbnb for this property 
d. We have a couple properties where the underpinning deadline is approaching. 
e. 26 and 28 Arrowhead were cleaned up by Paul Eubanks.  Sending a $250 bill to the homeowner at 26 Arrowhead.  
f. 28 Arrowhead Foreclosure is on hold due to Covid and once the sale goes through, we will try to recover our past due regime fees.  
g. 172 / 174 Tomahawk; the trailer is habitable and the decal for the registered boat will be placed in October
h. Power bill for the fountain went up from $20 per month to $80 per month.  Russ suggested that we place it on a 12-hour timer.  

3. President’s Report: Rodney Matthews 
a. We have already talked about the renting issue. 
b. I feel that the extensions for the underpinning should be over.  They have had long enough to get it done.  
c. The clubhouse has major plumbing issues.  There is a lot of water under the clubhouse from where the galvanized pipes are leaking.  AJ will be replacing the galvanized pipes with PVC.  
d. Hand dryers for the bathrooms have been ordered.  Keith verified and said they would be in by Monday. 
e. Rodney suggested that we take donations for all the new tables and chairs that we need for the clubhouse.  We will need at least 6 of the 8 foot tables and 60 of the chairs.  Let’s send an email out requesting donations to the community.  We would be looking at about $1800 total.  

4. Treasurer’s Report:   Keith Harris 
a. Keith covered the account balances
i. Operating Account $67,117.63
ii. Reserve Account $11,291.54
iii. Total $78,409.17
iv. Clubhouse and Culvert have both been paid for. 
b. We have received all but $5k on the dock settlement
c. AR is in good shape
d. Budget looks good

5. Committee Reports 

a. Pool: Russ Mixon  
i. The pool is going well. No afterhours swimming.  
ii. There will need to be some serious money spent on the pool bottom, coping and pool deck next year.  Maybe look at doing it next fall after the dock is paid off.   

b. Dock: Rodney Matthews   
i. Per Keith we still have a piling issue.  Keith has contacted the guys, but he hasn’t come out yet.  
ii. Someone broke the fire extinguisher box again.  

c. Roads: Tony Taffar
i. Nothing new to report on the roads  
ii. After November 12th will be a good time to put out the needed storm drain grates 

d. Codes: Denna Sessions   
i. 35 Tomahawk, Joe Vella is putting up a carport, setbacks are good
ii. 180 Tomahawk is building a golf cart cover, Denna took him the ARC form to Mark.  We have asked him a couple times for a drawing.  

e. Grounds: Russ Mixon
i. Nothing new to report 

f. Clubhouse and Events: Charlene Wentworth [Denna]
i. Rodney’s birthday party is coming up on the 26th at the clubhouse.  

6. Old Business 
a. Clubhouse Ceiling Repair / Renovation 
i. Looks great and please thank everyone that helped. 
ii. Tony and Greta will look at the Clubhouse insurance to make sure we are covered properly after the renovations.  
iii. Greta to send the email for donations for tables and chairs.  Randy made a motion to spend up to 2k for tables and chairs for the clubhouse, Denna 2nd, unanimous voted was carried.  
iv. For the under the clubhouse plumbing project Rodney made a motion to spend up to 5k, Denna 2nd the motion, a unanimous vote was carried.  

b. Renting Issues 
i. We need to document the AirBnB listings and any other listing we see
ii. Time to contact the attorneys

7. New Business
a. Boy Scout Project; PJ wants to bring the scouts out again this year for a camp out / work / educational weekend.  He is looking at 09/18 to 09/20 or 10/23 to 10/25.  Tony will send him an email and Rodney will follow up with him regarding the facilities.   
b. Next Meeting date is November the 7th at 9:00am.  

8. Open Discussion from the Members

Adjourn Regular Session: 
At 10:21am Denna made the motion to adjourn the regular meeting, Rodney 2nd the motion a unanimous vote was taken to adjourn.  

Respectfully submitted, 
Randy Eblen
Recording Secretary 
<![CDATA[Tansi Village POA Board of Director’s Meeting July 18, 2020]]>Sat, 18 Jul 2020 07:00:00 GMThttp://tansivillage.com/tansi-board-minutes-blog/tansi-village-poa-board-of-directors-meeting-july-18-20201. Call To Order: The meeting was called to order at approximately 9:06am, by Tony Taffar.  Present at the meeting were the following Tansi Village POA board members; Tony Taffar, Rodney Matthews, Denna Sessions, Keith Harris, Russ Mixon, Charlene Wentworth and Randy Eblen.   Also, in attendance was Greta Maddox with Seaside Residential Management.  

a. Minutes:  Tony Taffar asked if there were any questions on the draft copy of the minutes that were distributed from the past three meetings.  The minutes were read by the BOD.   

i. The minutes from the February 1st, 2020 meeting were approved.   Motion to approve was made by Rodney, Charlene 2nd the motion, there was no discussion and a unanimous vote carried.  

ii. The minutes from the June 13th, 2020 meeting were approved.   Motion to approve was made by Denna, Keith 2nd the motion, there was no discussion and a unanimous vote carried

iii. The minutes from the June 28th, 2020 meeting were approved.   Motion to approve was made by Russ, Keith 2nd the motion, there was no discussion and a unanimous vote carried

2. Management Report:     
a. Claim was submitted for the clubhouse damage and we have two quotes for repair
b. Culvert project is complete
c. Follow up from 126 Tomahawk, needs to be moved more than a foot
d. 3 letters went to suspected short term renters
i. We have a 2 day fine submitted to one person, $500 per night
ii. Need policy for guests
e. 75 Tomahawk refuses to do underpinning, so letter has been drafted to send 
f. Randy is working to get the minutes back online
g. No progress on the By Laws with the committee, due to Covid
h. We have 6 new owners
i. 32 Tomahawk, 140 Tomahawk, 4 Indian Trail, 46 Tomahawk, 119 Tomahawk, 14 Broken Arrow

3. President’s Report: Rodney Matthew 
a. Nothing major to report 

4. Treasurer’s Report:   Keith Harris 
a. Keith covered the account balances
i. Operating Account $39,312.46
ii. Reserve Account $50,779.94
iii. Total $90,092.40 after paying for culvert repair
iv. 4th of July event we raised $7180 and we broke even for the event 
b. AR is in good shape

5. Committee Reports 

a. Pool: Russ Mixon  
i. Seems that people have been following the rules
ii. Denna has asked Ann Watts Tutwiller to do a class for the kids 
iii. Russ wants to see about the new type locks 

b. Dock:  Rodney Matthews    
i. Rodney stated that dock is in good shape, nothing major to report. 
ii. Fire extinguisher box is broken again
iii. We had to get a new rope and life ring 
iv. We are still discussing the led lights for the dock 

c. Roads: Tony Taffar
i. Nothing new to report on the roads  
ii. Rodney stated we should send a letter to Jerry Shepp because he was the main one who volunteered with the tree trimming  

d. Codes: Denna Sessions   
i. Frankie Haygood, 33 Tomahawk, sent a request.  It’s a detached carport.  

e. Grounds: 
i. Tony stated that 28 Arrowhead needs to be cleaned up and the bank needs to be acting like they own it; Greta will separate the old account from the bank owned account 
ii. Need to get the pump from Eddie, Rodney will talk to Eddie and get the pump
iii. Randy is going to replace the solar spotlights at the main gate sign 

f. Clubhouse and Events: Charlene Wentworth 
i. Clubhouse needs a deep clean after the repairs
ii. We need to look at air dryers for the bathrooms so we can do away with paper towels for the bathrooms.  Charlene made the motion to spend up to $2000 for the air hand dryers, Denna 2nd, all voted and a unanimous vote was taken.  

6. Old Business 
a. Clubhouse Ceiling Repair / Renovation
i. Greta sent out quotes, looks like they were quoting 2 different things
the scope of work and the itemized did not match up, there were discussions on each item to compare each quote
we will shop for lights, ceiling fans, etc. and let them install them 
Greta clarified what we needed them to re-quote
a. Clean up, remove ALL of the blown in insulations
b. Spray foam insulation for the entire roof
c. Replace flex duct with metal ducts
d. Expose rafters in main clubhouse room, paint the spray foam and ducts black
e. Replace flooring in entire building 

b. Drain Covers - Tony
i. Still on hold, waiting for right time   

c. Renting Issues 
i. Getting signage up 
ii. Get the fines out and be prepared and be consistent with everyone

7. New Business
a. Next meeting date; 09/12/2020

8. Open Discussion from the Members
a. Darryl Gilliand, 37 Tomahawk, spoke about the lot right behind Red’s old house, needs to be cleaned up
b. One of the first trailers on the left as you come in needs to be looked at; Greta will send out a letter

Adjourn Regular Session: 
At 10:21am Randy made the motion to adjourn the regular meeting, Rodney and Russ 2nd the motion a unanimous vote was taken to adjourn.  

Respectfully submitted, 
Randy Eblen
Recording Secretary ]]>
<![CDATA[Tansi Village POA Board of Director’s Meeting June 28, 2020]]>Sun, 28 Jun 2020 07:00:00 GMThttp://tansivillage.com/tansi-board-minutes-blog/tansi-village-poa-board-of-directors-meeting-june-28-20201. Call To Order: This meeting was organized via text and email with 100% of the board in agreement for the meeting.  The meeting was called to order at 9:16am by Keith Harris.  The main purpose of this meeting was to address the issue with some of our residents renting their properties to the public, which is a violation of the covenants.  

The meeting was called to order at approximately 9:16am, by Keith Harris.  Present at the meeting were the following Tansi Village POA board members; Rodney Matthews, Denna Sessions, Keith Harris, Russ Mixon, Rick Penniston, Randy Eblen via phone and Charlene Wentworth via phone

a. Renters: We have proof of properties being rented in Tansi which is a violation of the covenants.  After much discussion, the board agreed to the following.
i. $500 fine per day rented, resident will lose privileges to all amenities
ii. Letter will go out the suspected violators 
iii. Letter will go out to the entire community to remind them of the covenants 
iv. “No Renting Allowed” signs will be posted out front, by the dock, by the dumpster and by the pool

b. Laptop, Internet, Cameras & Monitoring Service:  Russ made the request to add cameras by the pool, a laptop in the clubhouse office, internet at the clubhouse and a monitoring service for the cameras.  A motion was made to explore the costs of these items by Keith, 2nd by Denna and a majority vote was carried.    

Motion made at 9:37am Denna, 2nd by Rick, and vote taken and passed to adjourn the meeting.   

Respectfully submitted, 

Randy Eblen 
Recording Secretary 
<![CDATA[Annual Meeting of the Tansi Village POA & Board of Directors June 13, 2020]]>Sat, 13 Jun 2020 07:00:00 GMThttp://tansivillage.com/tansi-board-minutes-blog/draft-annual-meeting-of-the-tansi-village-poa-board-of-directors-june-13-2020These are DRAFT minutes that are posted for approval at the Annual Meeting of Tansi Village P.O.A. on May 1st, 2021

The meeting was called to order by chairman Tony Taffar at approximately 9:08am.  He asked that everyone make sure to get a ballot before we get started.  Tony also asked that if anyone had a fever or felt bad please excuse themselves from the meeting.  Tony thanked everyone for taking part in our social distanced meeting and asked that everyone maintained their social distancing during the meeting. 
Board Members present were; Tony Taffar, Rodney Matthews, Russ Mixon, Keith Harris, Randy Eblen and Denna Sessions.  Also present was Waverly Patterson with Seaside Residential Management, Inc.
Tony asked Russ to bless the meeting with a prayer.    All joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.   
Tony Taffar welcomed everyone to the 2020 meeting and verified a quorum of greater than 39 association members.   Because we have a smaller crowd, we are going to streamline this meeting as best we can.  As we go through the presentation of the reports if there are items for discussion on the report topics, we can discuss them then.  All other items can be discussed in the open discussion section at the end of the meeting.  Tony asked that when the POA Members speak from the floor, that they state their name(s) for the purpose of the minutes. 
Denna spoke to the group about the Villagers that had passed since the last annual meeting.  There was a moment of silence in their honor.
Tony asked that each of the new homeowners / members please stand up and introduce themselves.
Tony thanked all the volunteers that we have had working on various projects through the past year.
Approval of the minutes from April 13th, 2019:
Tony Taffar asked if everyone had seen the minutes from the last annual meeting and asked if we wanted to dispense with the reading of the minutes to save time, if so, would someone make a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes.   A motion was made from the floor to dispense with the reading of the minutes, a 2nd on the motion was made from the floor, a vote was taken and the motion to accept was approved.  Tony then asked that we vote to accept the minutes as distributed.  A motion to accept the minutes as distributed was made from the floor, a 2nd on the motion was made from the floor, a vote was taken and the motion to accept was approved. 
Tony Introduced Waverly Patterson to start the reports.
Management Report:
Waverly Patterson, with our management company, Seaside Residential Management stated that we have a few updates from this year.  We still have a couple open items, the ceiling caving in in the clubhouse and the torn screens on the porch.  The culvert project is completed and the lawsuit is closed and will be covered in old business.  The Rules and By-Laws committee have been meeting to review the Rules, Regulations and By Laws. 
Violation letters were sent to homeowners with underpinning issues as well as yard debris issues.  No Smoking and No Vaping signage has been placed at the pool. 
Tony reminded everyone that if the there are any issues, the first point of contact should be the property management company, their info is on the website and the Facebook page.  We also have a board meeting every other month and members in good standing are always welcome to join us at those meetings. 
President’s Report:
Russ everything should be getting better from here on out.  The dock lawsuit has been settled and this will be discussed more in executive session.  We now have lights and water on the dock, new windows in the clubhouse and the causeway has been repaired.  For next year our focus will be on the drainage for the island, clubhouse repair and pool repair. 
Russ thanked the group for all of the volunteers throughout the year for maintenance, cleanup, organizing events as well as donating time and/or goods and reminded us that without the volunteers it would cost Tansi a lot more money to get things done. 
Treasurer’s Report:
Keith stated that if Tansi P.O.A. members wanted to hear about the details of the dock lawsuit, that would be discussed in an executive session at the end of the meeting.  Per the settlement, it can’t be discussed outside the Tansi P.O.A. Membership. 
Budget for the year is right on track so it looks like we will be able to put $10 to $15k into the Reserve Account by the end of the year. Total Account balances are right at a total of $93,000 almost split evenly between the Operating Account and the Reserve Account.
Committee Reports
Rodney Matthews reported that the pool is open.  Please keep your chairs at least 6ft apart and follow social distancing guidelines.  If you are using the pool and see that the trash is full, take it to the dumpster.  It is everyone’s responsibility that uses the pool to keep an eye on it.  If you are coming off the dock with trash, please go on and take it to the dumpster versus filling up the pool trash can.  Remember, no smoking and no glass allowed in the pool area.  The pool closes at 8:00pm, it’s not sunset, it’s 8:00pm.  If you are caught in the pool after hours, you can lose your pool privileges for a year.  
There was a question from the floor [she never stated her name] as to why the signs said sunset and the pool closed at 8:00pm, Tony stated that it has been 8:00pm for quite some time now we don’t’ and should not expect Rodney to keep up with the changing sunset times, so we set it at 8:00pm and we will make sure the signs are changed.  Tony thanked Rodney for his report and for volunteering for the pool.  

Russ stated the dock is in great shape and we have the water and the lights at the end of the dock now.  Please wash off after you clean your fish.  When you pull your crab pots up, make sure to wash off the mud. Please take care of the dock and take your trash to the dumpster.   
Tony reported that the biggest issue we had was the causeway repair and that has been taken care of.  We will discuss drainage in new business.  We are working to get some of the grating over the drains replaced
Denna stated over the past year we have several people make improvements to their properties.  If you do want to make changes or improvements to your property, we have a simple form for you to fill out and submit on the website. Make sure you are observing the setbacks 5ft from your neighbors and 15ft from the road.  You can work out setbacks with your neighbors, but it has to be in writing.  Once the form is done, submit to Seaside or give to Denna.  
Tony reported that was sending out violations for properties that need underpinning and cleanup.  If you see something very unsightly that needs attention please let us know.  Contact Seaside with the address and they will check it out and take the necessary actions if warranted.  The greenspace is everyone’s property, please be mindful when using it.  Also, every year we have to bring it up, but it’s a problem, please pick up after your dogs.  When using the dumpsters please observe the rules and don’t over fill them because we will get fined. 
Denna reported that we had a few events over the last year.  Halloween Party in October and the Thanksgiving Dinner in November were both well attended.  We had two events in December, the Christmas party and Christmas Day dinner.  January, we had the Spaghetti dinner with a wine tasting and the annual Pig Pickn was in February.  Of course, in March we were shut down due to the pandemic. 
We have new windows in the clubhouse and we also have a new maid service available for hire if you don’t want to clean up the clubhouse yourselves after your private event.   The price is $128 for a 2-hour cleanup or you can do it yourself.   
Old Business:
Causeway Repair
The causeway repair has been completed. 
Proposed By Law Change
By Law Committee is chaired by John Tuckwiller and he has a few people working with him.  Any By Law change suggestions should be sent to Seaside and they will get to the committee.  The committee will come to the board meetings and discuss their progress. 
New Business:
Drainage Issues
The new board will be making this a priority.  It’s difficult because the island is below sea level and with heavy rains and high tides the water just flows back onto the island.   
Clubhouse Ceiling Repair
The ceiling in the clubhouse has collapsed in the back but the entire ceiling will need to be fixed.
4th of July Events  
All of the events will be outside and we will have the same band as last year. We will not have the community pot luck. T-Shirts will be sold at the event for fundraising purposes. 
Tony continued, now we are finished with our New and Old Business and we are now in the Open Discussion from the membership.  If you would, please state your name so we can have it on the record.  The floor is now open to everyone.   
Open Discussion from Members;
  • From the floor, [name was not audible, stated no address], she stated was disrespected when she was told to “get out” of the pool because it was closing.  She also stated that we used to be able to swim all night, Tony reminded her that DHEC stated we had to close the pool at night.  She stated that DHEC said we needed lights.  Tony reminded her that the membership voted several years ago not to put up the lights.   Tony apologized for her feeling disrespected.
  • From the floor, Stephanie Halling, regarding the trash cans.  Please break down your boxes or take to the recycle center. 
  • From the floor, Jim Minor, why can’t we use the “sunset” rule on closing the pool.  Tony and Rodney both explained that the pool has to be locked when closed, per DHEC, and the locks have to have a time set to close.  We chose 8pm so that no one has to adjust the times for sunset.  Jim thanked them for their explanation. 
Election of the board members; 
Tony stated that we have 4 seats rotating off the board, Tony Taffar, Russ Mixon, Rick Penniston and Rodney Matthews. 
From the floor, will any of the board members coming off consider running again?  Tony asked everyone except Rick, who was not in attendance and they agreed to run again. Russ stated that Rick told him he would serve again. 
Nominations are Tony Taffar, Russ Mixon, Rick Penniston, Rodney Matthews and John Tuttwiller.  There was a motion from the floor to close the nominations; the motion was 2nd and a unanimous vote was taken. 
The vote elected the following people back on the Tansi Village POA, BOD; Tony Taffar, Russ Mixon, Rick Penniston and Rodney Matthews.
Tony thanked Tom Woodruff for his hard work and attention to our lawsuit regarding the dock. 
Move into Executive Session: 
At 10:10am a motion was made to move into executive session to discuss the details of the lawsuit with the Tansi P.O.A. Membership.  There was a 2nd from the floor and a unanimous vote was taken.
Move out of Executive Session:
The motion was made to move out of executive session to discuss the details of the lawsuit with the Tansi P.O.A. Membership.  There was a 2nd from the floor and a unanimous vote was taken.  No Tansi Village P.O.A. business was conducted during the Executive Session. 
The motion to adjourn the regular meeting was made from the floor and the motion was 2nd from the floor.  A unanimous vote was taken.  
Respectfully submitted,
Randy Eblen
Recording Secretary 

<![CDATA[Tansi Village POA Board of Director’s Meeting June 13, 2020]]>Sat, 13 Jun 2020 07:00:00 GMThttp://tansivillage.com/tansi-board-minutes-blog/tansi-village-poa-board-of-directors-meeting-june-13-2020​The meeting was called to order at 11:03am by Tony Taffar immediately following the 2020 Annual P.O.A. Meeting.  The main purpose of this meeting was to elect officers for the upcoming year from the current and newly voted in board members. 
Present at the meeting were the following Tansi Village POA board members; Tony Taffar, Rodney Matthews, Randy Eblen, Keith Harris and Denna Sessions.   Not present were, Charlene Wentworth, Russ Mixon and Rick Penniston.
It was decided that since the majority of the board remained intact for the next year that most officer and committee chairs would remain the same for the upcoming board year.  Four board members, Tony Taffar, Rodney Matthews,  Russ Mixon and Rick Penniston were reelected to the board for 2-year terms. 
Officers are as follows;
Charmain of the Board                    Tony Taffar
President                                           Rodney Matthews  
Vice President                                  Russ Mixon
Treasurer                                           Keith Harris  
Secretary, Recording                      Randy Eblen
Committees are as follows;
Pool, Russ                           Codes, Deena
Roads, Tony                         Dock, Rodney
Grounds, Rick                       Clubhouse, Charlene
The meeting date for the first Tansi Village POA BOD was set for Saturday July 18th at 9am.  Future Tansi POA BOD meetings will be set on that date during the meeting.    
Motion made at 11:03pm by Randy, seconded by Keith, and vote taken and passed to adjourn the meeting.   
Respectfully submitted,
Randy Eblen
Recording Secretary 
<![CDATA[Tansi Village POA Board of Director’s Meeting February 1, 2020]]>Sat, 01 Feb 2020 08:00:00 GMThttp://tansivillage.com/tansi-board-minutes-blog/tansi-village-poa-board-of-directors-meeting-february-1-20201. Call To Order: The meeting was called to order at approximately 9:02am, by Tony Taffar.  Present at the meeting were the following Tansi Village POA board members; Tony Taffar, Rodney Matthews, Denna Sessions, Keith Harris, Russ Mixon, Charlene Wentworth and Randy Eblen.   Also, in attendance was Waverly Patterson with Seaside Residential Management.  

a. Causeway Update: Lee Patterson from Patterson construction gave us the update for the Causeway project.  Lee reviewed the scope of work. It will take place on a Tuesday evening. They will dig out the causeway one side at a time.  There will be a teel plate over the road as they work on one side at time.  The time that it is completely impassable will be kept to a minimum.   The question was asked if we would benefit from rip rap along the length of both banks.  Lee stated that we would probably not benefit from the rip rap all along the causeway.  In case of emergency they have steel plates that can go into place very quickly.  

b. Minutes:  Tony Taffar asked if there were any questions on the draft copy of the minutes that were distributed from the December 14th meeting.  The minutes were read by the BOD.   The minutes from the December 14th meeting were approved.   Motion to approve was made by Rodney, Keith 2nd the motion, there was no discussion and a unanimous vote carried.   

2. Management Report:  Waverly Patterson   
a. Tansi pool contract was signed
b. Update on the culvert
i. OCRM approved, waiting on DHEC to approve
ii. Should be done soon 
c. Sent some violations letters on underpinning, some extensions given
d. Lawn cleanup violations have been cleaned up

3. President’s Report: Russ Mixon 
a. Nothing major to report 
4. Treasurer’s Report:   Keith Harris 
a. Keith covered the account balances
i. Operating Account $39,872.94
ii. Reserve Account $89,316.78
iii. Total $129,189.72
iv. Net Income for the year $19,914.00
b. AR is in good shape
c. We moved 12k to the reserves 
d. Greta has had to put extra time in on the lawsuit that we need to cover

5. Committee Reports 

a. Pool: Rodney Matthews  
i. The pool contract is completed 
ii. Pool will open April 1st 

b. Dock:  Russ Mixon    
i. Russ stated that dock is in good shape except for 2 pilings that might be sinking and he is checking on that
ii. Suggested that we add one LED light at the end of the dock to light it up

c. Roads: Tony Taffar
i. Nothing new to report on the roads  

d. Codes: Denna Sessions   
i. One new request came in from John and Marilyn Morrey, new Owners at 20 Tomahawk, want to install a carport, storage building and wire fence.  He sent a drawing and it was measured by Denna and it was 5ft off the property line.  They will need to go to the county to make sure they are in compliance.  
ii. Russ stated that there is one more request, from the couple that bought Denna’s trailer.  They want to put a small shed on their concrete pad. Tony stated that they need to fill out the Request Form from our website and turn it in to start the process and get it to Denna.

e. Grounds: Russ Mixon
i. Nothing new to report 

f. Clubhouse and Events: Charlene Wentworth 
i. Replaced one blind and got some spares 
ii. BBQ, that Wanda and Rodney are hosting 
iii. 3/28 Oyster Roast
iv. 04/12 Easter Sunrise Service
v. 05/02 Annual Meeting
vi. 05/02 Cinco DeMayo celebration at 6pm
vii. The maid service price changed, there was an email about it
viii. The porch needs to be re-screened

6. Old Business 
a. Causeway update
i. Was covered earlier in meeting  

b. Drain Covers - Tony
i. Russ and Rodney are waiting on warmer weather  

c. Clubhouse Rules and Cleaning 
i. Clubhouse Rules went out to the board. Change in the maid service cost, public parties are $125 and private parties are $100.   Randy made a motion to accept the changes, Denna 2nd, a unanimous vote was taken

7. New Business

a. Covenants By-Laws and Rules
i. Bylaws were not filed by CCAM, they will need to be filed
ii. We need to separate the “Rules” from the By Laws and Covenants 
iii. 51% of the membership must vote to make changes that need to be made 
iv. Proxies need to go out early, note it on the Facebook page and the website

b. Collection Policy Change
i. We had one set up and Greta sent out change in policy
Late fee would go to property manager in revision 12.18.19, Randy made the motion to accept, Keith 2nd the motion and a unanimous vote was taken

c. Annual Meeting Preparation
i. 03/28 we will have a work session to discuss annual meeting prep

8. Open Discussion from the Members
a. Daisy and Dwayne Stuck at 122 Tomahawk asked if we can actually put in concrete driveways and gutters divert the water.  Dwayne stated that OCRM may have an issue with them.  Tony stated that the resident is responsible for compliance with the county and OCRM and that Tansi Village does not regulate concrete driveways.  We only ask that every driveway has a pipe, so it does not stop water flow in the ditch.

b. 11 Tomahawk at the “Y”, the ditches stay full of water, I would like some help cleaning this out.  Russ stated that the drain runs over by Marie’s and he has dug it out before.  There should be a box built to keep it from filling back up with mud.  

c. Curtis Rollins, 126 Tomahawk, is prepared to move his building.  There is a 5ft set back.  How does the county measure the set back?  Curtis is out of compliance, willing to move the building but only wants to move as much as his neighbor is willing to have their building 
i. We as a board need to check what the county considers to be a set back and match that. Tony asked Waverly to check on that for us. 
ii. Curtis needs until March to go get trees moved.  Randy made a motion to give Curtis an extension until March 31st, Rodney 2nd the motion, unanimous vote was taken.  Russ made a motion to waive all fines, Charlene 2nd, a unanimous vote was taken.  

Adjourn and move into Executive Session: 
At 10:39am Tony made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Randy 2nd the motion, a unanimous vote was taken to move into Executive Session.   

Adjourn out of Executive Session: 
At 11:39pm, Tony made the motion to adjourn the executive session where no Tansi business was conducted. Keith 2nd the motion a unanimous vote was taken to adjourn Executive Session.   

No Tansi business was conducted during the Executive Session.  Russ made a motion to approve the amount discussed in Executive Session for the settlement amount.  Randy 2nd the motion, a unanimous vote was taken.   

Adjourn Regular Session: 
At 11:50am Rodney made the motion to adjourn the regular meeting, Charlene 2nd the motion a unanimous vote was taken to adjourn.  

Respectfully submitted, 
Randy Eblen
Recording Secretary 
<![CDATA[Tansi Village POA Board of Director’s Meeting December 14, 2019]]>Sat, 14 Dec 2019 08:00:00 GMThttp://tansivillage.com/tansi-board-minutes-blog/tansi-village-poa-board-of-directors-meeting-december-14-20191. Call To Order: The meeting was called to order at approximately 9:00am, by Tony Taffar.  Present at the meeting were the following Tansi Village POA board members; Tony Taffar, Deena Sessions, Keith Harris, Rick Penniston and Charlene Wentworth.   Also, in attendance was Greta Maddox with Seaside Residential Management.  

a. Minutes:  Tony Taffar asked if there were any questions on the draft copy of the minutes that were distributed from the October 26thth meeting.  The minutes were read by the BOD.   The minutes from the October 26th meeting were approved.   Motion to approve was made by Charlene, Keith 2nd the motion, there was no discussion and a unanimous vote carried.   

2. Management Report:  Greta Maddox  
a. Two owners that are delinquent 
b. Tansi pool contract is in and needs to be signed
c. Working with Randy to get the minutes up on the website 
d. Update on the culvert
i. OCRM approved, waiting on DHEC to approve
ii. Should be done in January 
e. Sent some violations letters on underpinning 

3. President’s Report: Russ Mixon [not in attendance] 
a. Russ was called at beginning of meeting, noting to report.  

4. Treasurer’s Report:   Keith Harris 
a. Keith covered the account balances
i. Operating Account $44,701.77
ii. Reserve Account $78,114.16
iii. Total $122,815.93

5. Committee Reports 

a. Pool: Rodney Matthews  [not in attendance]
i. Greta discussed the new pool contract 
Terms have changed some
Tony asked Greta to get one more quote
Keith made a motion to accept the pool contract from Beaufort Area Pool Services, contingent on us not finding a better contract. Deena 2nd the motion, no discussion, unanimous vote followed.  

b. Dock:  Russ Mixon [not in attendance] and Rick Penniston   
i. Keith stated that he will follow up to make sure the piling was checked on and repaired 

c. Roads: Tony Taffar
i. Replacement grating has been received and will be installed after shrimp season 

d. Codes: Denna Sessions   
i. Checked on the properties that out of compliance that were sent letters.  
About ½ have made changes, the others will be resent letters 
ii. Greta will contact 174 Tomahawk and coordinate someone for the cleanup

e. Grounds: Russ Mixon [not in attendance]
i. Tony will follow up on the pond fountain project  
ii. Tony asked Greta to send an email out about Dumpster education over the holidays 

f. Clubhouse and Events: Charlene Wentworth and Deena Sessions
i. Tonight, is the Christmas Party 
ii. On the 25th we will have a Christmas dinner like we did for Thanksgiving 
iii. On January 25th there will be a spaghetti dinner and wine tasting 
iv. The Oyster Roast has been moved to March 28th 

6. Old Business 
a. Causeway update
i. Greta covered

b. Drain Covers - Tony
i. Waiting on information   

c. Clubhouse Rules and Cleaning 
i. Charlene and Deena worked on new rules for clubhouse use and cleaning 
A few changes were made to the draft copy and the rules will be brought to the next meeting for a vote once the changes are made. 

7. New Business
a. Meeting Dates 
i. The next Board meeting will be February 2nd 
ii. Annual Meeting Date will be May 2nd   
iii. At the meeting on Feb 2nd we will decide if we need a work session 

b. 2020 Operating Budget  
i. Keith went through the 2019 expense runs and how they flush into the 2020 operating budget 
ii. A couple items that caused us to go over budget for 2019; the engineering study for the causeway, clubhouse repairs, the ramp at the clubhouse and windows at the clubhouse.  
iii. Charlene made a motion to accept the 2020 Operating budget as written, Rick Penniston 2nd the motion, no discussion, a unanimous vote was taken in favor.  

c. Covenants By-Laws and Rules
i. No update from the committee as of yet, will work toward getting done by the annual meeting
8. Open Discussion from the Members
a. Tom gave update to those attending the meeting that we are case number 2 on the docket.  
b. Deb Dixon asked the board to give her time to get the underpinning done on her house because she can not do it herself.  
c. Mike and Lisa Horn, 15 Tomahawk asked how to get the password for the website. 
d. Question from the floor, no name given, regarding flooding that occurs.  Is it a natural occurrence or is there something we can do to fix it?  Tony said, yes and yes.  Drainage is something we can work on, but we have to get the causeway fixed first.  
e. Same person as above, still no name given, asked if we could replace the palm trees on the causeway that have died off?  Tony stated that we have to fix the causeway and have it secured before we start replacing them.  

9. Item from after the Executive Session 
a. Tony brought up for discussion the stop and reversal of late fees from the one property that we have in bankruptcy, since the bankruptcy.  Denna made a motion in favor of this, Keith 2nd, a unanimous vote was taken in favor.  

Adjourn and move into Executive Session: 
At 10:32am Deena made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Rick 2nd the motion, a unanimous vote was taken to move into Executive Session.   

Adjourn out of Executive Session: 
At 1:39pm, Keith made the motion to adjourn the executive session where no Tansi business was conducted. Deena 2nd the motion a unanimous vote was taken to adjourn Executive Session.   

Adjourn Regular Session: 
At 1:43am Charlene made the motion to adjourn the regular meeting, Keith 2nd the motion a unanimous vote was taken to adjourn.  

Respectfully submitted, 
Randy Eblen
Recording Secretary 